Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Starting Your Week Right :-)

Start the week right! Each day provides us with the opportunity to FOCUS and TAKE ACTION, and doing so will, accumulatively, help bring us closer to our goals! We all have a desire to achieve some level of success. Have you THOUGHT ABOUT what level YOU are reaching for?

For some the desire is greater than the averageperson. Let's face it, everyone wants to be successful but very few are really willingto pay that price of W.E.I.T. (What Ever It Takes) Success is an attitude. It is a posture that you take that states, "I deserve to have it all."

Success is attainable to all, yet so few achieve it.

Success is a habit and has no real secrets.It all starts with your belief system. Your belief system starts with how you feel about yourself.

Your own personal self-esteem is the key ingredient to so much of your success. You must first adopt a personal positive self-image of yourself. In networking your product is always going to be "YOU" and your second productis people. You are really marketing your confidence. That is why a positive self-image is so important, especially in your first conversation with your prospects.(You never get a second chance to make a first impression.) Forgiving yourself, others in your past, past mistakes & failures are paramount in your early journey to success. If you are, or have not been able to do this, then perhaps you Need a 30 Day Mental Cleanse. Join our Community and "wash awaythe Ghosties" and find out WHO and BECOME the real and wonderful YOU! There is No Charge to Join our Community or to participate in the 30 Day MentalCleanse! For questions regarding the Mental Cleanse, feel free to email me

The Law of Attraction is alive and well!!

A key point to remember here is that you attract to your reality who and whatyou are. When you are positive and feel good about you, you attract like-mindedindividuals. The same holds true if you are negative in your thought processes.Your thought processes will always determine your bank account of love. It isessential that you learn to forgive, let go, and let go of your past. Many peopledrag their past into their present, which stops them from ever having a clearvision of their future. Success is a process, not a payoff. You will pay your ten dollars at the door on your journey to success, and you will find out fast that there are no shortcuts. You will never be able to completely master every detail of your life. Attemptingto do so will only lead to frustration. What will make the most difference thoughis becoming the master of a few key principles that will allow you to have the fastest personal growth. To accomplish this task you will begin to think exponentially rather than incrementally.(THINK BIG - ACT BIG) You must have uncommon thoughts to have uncommonresults and a steady consistent plan of action.

What I have found in my twelve years of entrepreneurship is that very few people have a plan of action. "When you fail to plan, you are planning to fail." By "Plan of Action", what I am talking about is your goals down on paper wherethey are visible and you can get your hands on them to monitor your progress. You also have to have a very precise clear mental picture of where you are going on your journey to success.

Make your goals reachable and realistic, yet big enough that you have to stretch to reach them. Along with goal setting, I recommend that you have a daily plan of action (Method of Operation) in place that you work from daily. If you are part time, have down on paper exactly what you will do in the hours you commit to your enterprise. If you are full time do the same. Don't over-promise to yourself. Put down on paper exactly what it is that you will do in the time you devote toyour business. This will allow you to hold yourself accountable. Every night before you go to bed look over your daily method of operation and ask yourself how accountable you were to yourself today. Be consistent Practice The Slight Edge; baby steps each and every day. Consistent effort over a period of time over and over coupled with personal growth will create consistent results.

Our Business is not a numbers game or even "selling", rather, it is RELATIONSHIP BUILDING! No matter what business or enterprises in networking you are in, the most important aspect will be how well you can build relationships with people andmake them feel that you genuinely CARE about THEM…. NO AGENDA. In today's society, people are starved for recognition, caring and kindness. Give THAT to your Prospect and you will achieve more success than you know whatto do with, AND, your life will be enriched 100 fold! This process of success will happen when you take consistent action, let go of yourpast, feel good about you and continually work on your internal communication.

Make a commitment to YOURSELF as you continue your journey in to success in 2007!If you are SERIOUS about building your business, you will tap in to special tools available to you. Join or create your own MasterMind Group with other like-minded entrepreneurs. Napoleon Hill has many books that speak about MasterMind Groupsand their POWER. THINK AND GROW RICH is the Basic Primer on MasterMind Groups. If you have NOT read it, do yourself a favor and your business will GROW.***YOU DESERVE TO HAVE IT ALL! ***

Contact RS for your Complimentary Coaching Session and information on how to participate in a Weekly Global MasterMind

Practicing Abundance, Prosperity & Kindness EVERY DAY,

RandiSusan Mallory
Compassionate Marketing
512.472.2604 Country Code 001
SKYPE: rsmallory
BE a Mentor with A Servant's Heart

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Health from the 1950's to 2007 in funny video

Need a Good laugh? Remember I love Lucy?

Even in the 1950's we were interested in Health. Lucy does it better than anyone :-)

Watch this short hilarious video of Luci for a big laugh! Enjoy!

Practicing Abundance, Prosperity & Kindness EVERY DAY,

RandiSusan Mallory
Compassionate Marketing
512.472.2604 Country Code 001
SKYPE: rsmallory

BE a Mentor with A Servant's Heart…