Spam comes in a can. The ingredients are the dregs of mysterious animal parts, presented as a one size fits all solution to hunger. Of course, we have "Spam Addicts" who love the taste of Spam. Just ask the thousands who show up each year at the Spamara in Austin Texas. They have drunk the Koolaide and think everyone should be eating Spam :-)
What does Spam have to do with Social Media, Brains & Common Sense? I am slowly learning about Social Media and how to use it. You know, as a retired school teacher this electronic age and some of these things just boggle my mind. Take Twitter for instance.
I confess, I am a brand new Twitterphile. It took me a while to comprehend and understand what Twitter IS and DOES. So this is what I figured out:
1- Twitter is great for EVERYONE because we all think that we are brilliant and it gives us the opportunity to share (read, Insinuate) our brilliance with others, even if they don't ask for our opinion.
2- Twitter seems to be reaching out to everyone who has ADD, ADHD and all the other "labels" that we, in the teaching profession give to those we don't understand or can't "reach" or whose minds are so far superior that they race ahead and are the definition and a marvel at multi-tasking although they cannot concentrate on any one thing at a time :-)
3- Twitter IS great because it actually gives us access to those who we would not be able to get close to, pick up a phone and call, or even begin to think that we could reach in more traditional ways, whilst giving us the "feeling" that we are "in relationship" with them. Just today, Lance Armstrong advises us that he is (at that very moment) speaking with Michael J. Fox on the phone! So, maybe we are using Twitter to become........................Voyeurs!
1,2, & 3 are in jest and I am, of course poking fun, however reading between the lines you will see that the stream of conscious nature of Twitter allows us to pick up some great information, have access to wonderful people who wouldn't have access to and DOES avail us the opportunity to put ourselves out there.
What about Facebook, MySpace, Ning and all the other Social Media Sites?
Since I am a Compassionate Marketer, I think I prefer this type of media in that they allow us to develop mini relationships with people. It allows up to click on their profile and read about them, get to know them, and even see if we are kindred spirits. If you are a marketer, it is essential that you be able to ascertain what a person's needs and goals are. Only then might you figure out if you can help them.
A successful business person KNOWS that
1- caring about others
2- knowing their goals and dreams
3- learning about their lives
4- learn what their motivation is
is the essential ingredient in success.
I believe these types of Social Media sites give you the ability to do just that IF you use it correctly.
I was enjoying my friend Lisa's Facebook page this morning and noted a young man who wrote a lengthy note and suggesting that she "download his free Ebook" to help her with her future. Of course, this young man did not take the time to learn about her at all. If he had, he would have realized that this accomplished woman has an incredible career and a professional in the industry for many decades. It became apparent that he didn't take the time to find out anything about her and assumed that she would be interested in his "free Ebook" because HE puts value on it, and HIS value is to use this ebook as a tool to hook unsuspecting people and "get them in his deal".
Let's all sit back and realize that not everyone is a Spam Addict.
Let's all learn some basic common sense when we meet others on any of the Social Media sites.
Let's be sure we take the time to get to know someone BEFORE we start "spamming" them.
What interests me most about Twitter and all the Social Media sites AND the Internet at large is that whatever you put out there IS OUT THERE FOREVER. Most people do not realize that.
Use your common sense. Use your brains. Think before you post!
May your day be a treasure bringing Increase and Plenty to your door.
Practicing Abundance, Prosperity & Kindness EVERY DAY,
RandiSusan Mallory
Compassionate Marketing
512.472.2604 Country Code 001
SKYPE/Oovoo: rsmallory
Copyright ©2009 RS Mallory/Compassionate Marketing. All Rights Reserved. May be used with Proper Attribution