Remember going to the circus as a little kid? Think back and you will remember seeing how the animal handlers keep the elephants at bay. They used conditioning to get the elephants to do (or not do) what they wanted them to do!
The elephant had a rope tied around its leg even as a little baby & then the rope was tied to a stake that was driven into the ground. The elephant could not move. Even as the elephant grew and matured, its two tons of muscle and force REMAINED tied down by a tiny rope and stake.
WHY? What's their secret?
The handlers trained the elephant from birth to stay put using the rope. That’s called Conditioned Consciousness. Over time, the beautiful beast becomes convinced it can't pull out the stake. And because it's convinced it can't, it can't!
We do the same thing.
We convince ourselves we cannot earn a million dollars a year, so we don't. Not only that, the actions we don't take preclude us from being in a position or circumstance to earn a million dollars a year or meet our goals.
We are convinced we will never meet the right prospects. Therefore, the actions we don't take preclude us from ever meeting or attracting the right prospects.
Or, we want to grow our team and better our relationships with our teammates. We have a good relationship but we want to take it to the next level. But we can't see (envision) that next level is right there waiting for us, and so we don't take the right steps to get to that next level.
We are not using visualization or belief! We are stuck because of the rope tied around our ankle. It is called….. self fulfilling prophesy.
Tug just a little and you will snap the rope, begin to visualize. EXPECT success. The Secret is to TAKE ACTION, my friends.
As you may know, Libra is the beginning of the New Year. The holiday of Rosh Hashanah is the re-creation of the world – our world. We are given a blank slate. Therefore, now is the ideal time to look at your conditioning and reprogram our thoughts that EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE.
Love, healing, well-being, prosperity, simple happiness, confidence, success, - what is it you want?
You ALREADY ARE everything you want to be; just take action and the Laws of Intention and Attraction will be there for you! If you work 99% on your consciousness, you'll notice that your 1% (physical circumstances) will change and grow. Your consciousness will invoke The Law of Intention and she enlist her sister, The Law of Attraction to help.
What is it you are convinced you can't achieve? You CAN achieve your hearts desire by CHANGING the way you think AND taking action immediately :-)
You will be on your way to an incredible year, and life!
Go for YOUR personal best :-) It takes perseverance and KNOWING that you will attain your goals and dreams! Remember, you ALREADY ARE everything you want to be; just take action and the Laws of Intention and Attraction will be there for you! Simply tug on that little rope and free yourself from your conditioning !
Practicing Abundance, Prosperity & Kindness EVERY DAY,
RS Mallory
Compassionate Marketing
512.472.2604 Country Code 001
SKYPE or Oovoo: rsmallory
BE a Mentor with a Servant’s Heart
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