Saturday, May 10, 2008

What does Mother's Day have to do with Compassionate Marketing?

Mother's Day approaches and millions upon millions of women will be honored. But why? and WHY just women? I am mindful that, throughout history, it was (and is) Strong and Compassionate women (and men) who become the wind beneath our wings.

This celebration is for those who make a difference in our lives.

This is for those whose guidance and love,

patience and compassion,

laughter and joy,

ethics and behaviors

act as a guidepost to us all, and help us grow to be Giving, Compassionate beings who know that the Gift of life is about helping others.

Become a touchstone

Be a Guidepost

Be loving and kind

Listen with an open heart

KNOW that you are blessed

Know that sometimes it's just about GIVING or RECEIVING a (physical, emotional or spiritual) hug

Thank you for being part of my life! The joy of Compassionate Marketing is that is brings those Stellar folks who are like minded and caring, together.

Enjoy your special day, give YOURSELF a hug and I hope you enjoy this card.

May your day be a treasure bringing Increase and Plenty to your door.

Practicing Abundance, Prosperity & Kindness EVERY DAY,

RandiSusan Mallory
Compassionate Marketing
512.472.2604 Country Code 001
SKYPE or Oovoo: rsmallory

BE a Mentor with A Servant's Heart

Copyright ©2008 RS Mallory/Compassionate Marketing. All Rights Reserved. May be used with Proper Attribution

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