'Tis the Ghosties we carry in our mind that usually do us in, freeze our ability to move forward, ACT or DO, thus rendering the power of the Universe prostrate.
The ONLY thing that stops the power of The Universe working for us is our own thoughts. They act as a steel wall that repel The Universe or allow her to work on our behalf.
Being able to thwart our negative thoughts is a huge undertaking. We ALL hear "little voices" telling us,
We can't
We are not worthy
We are not pretty
Who would listen to us
We are not smart enough
and the like.
When we cultivate and grow the ability to extinguish or repel those little voices we can then plug in to The Universe and all that she has to offer.
How to do that?
One exercise I use in my coaching is to teach people to
first admit and face their ghosties (or voices) simply by telling themselves that they indeed are there. No secret or magic here, this is VERY straightforward :-)
Second, we find a way to repel those voices and the very BEST way to do that is to construct several "Perfect Moments" or "Perfect Days" in your minds' eye.
What is a "Perfect Day or Moment"?
That which NOTHING can interrupt when you are thinking about it because a perfect moment or day will
1- be so intense that your mind will evoke EMOTION
2- be so intense that your mind will evoke SENSATION
3- be so intense that your mind will evoke STRENGTH
4- be so intense that your mind will be FOCUSED on your Perfect Moment/Day
Here is an example of one of MY perfect Moments. It is when I gave birth to my son. I remember The Doctor putting him on my belly whilst he was STILL attached to me! He had a perfectly round head with orange hair. I can hear the Nurse exclaiming, "Oh, a Pumpkin!" I remember thinking, "of course he has orange hair", wondering why she was so incredulous! Then my baby lifted his head, looked straight at me with eyes wide open, grinned and gurgled and then put his head down. He smelled like..........it was a smell I could never name, but......
I can SMELL him RIGHT NOW (because I am telling you about it)
I can, at this very moment, FEEL what I was feeling then.
I am, at this very moment overwhelmed with the Joy and Love I felt at that moment
I am at this very moment, INVINCIBLE; Goddess of Motherhood, Nature and protector of my child which is EXACTLY the way I was feeling at that very moment 30 years ago.
At this very moment, NOTHING, NO VOICES can get through my thoughts.
Constructing your Perfect Moments and Perfect Days is a tool that one should develop so that they can invoke it as a POWER whenever self doubt or one of the voices starts murmuring in your head. They negative thoughts/voices will soon be vanquished and they will subside.
When we take control of our own thoughts, we become invincible and become one with the Universe allowing her to bring us our favors.
Take some time today and WRITE DOWN your Perfect Moments or a Perfect Day!
PRACTICE bringing them out, wear them, FEEL them, Taste and Smell them, and know that YOU are for that moment in time, right now, INVINCIBLE!
Practicing Abundance, Prosperity & Kindness EVERY DAY,
RandiSusan Mallory
Compassionate Marketing
512.472.2604 Country Code 001
SKYPE: rsmallory
BE a Mentor with A Servant's Heart
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