Monday, August 15, 2011

Would you sponsor Snow White?

When we pre-judge others we limit our expectations of them, and they will give us exactly what we expect of them so make sure that you impart your support and trust to your organization.

A friend of mine watches Snow White with her little girl every morning. It occurred to me what a wonderful role model Snow White really is. She took a motley band of misfits, (Grumpy, Sleepy, Dopey, Sleepy, Doc, Sneezy, and Happy) and gave them direction, encouragement and kindness. She took the time to get each and every one of them, learned their foibles AND their talents, and empowered each and every one of them! She created a successful TEAM that worked together to achieve their own individual goals AND a team goal!

Why would I sponsor Snow White? She is the quintessential Role Model of a Leader AND Compassionate Marketer! She is selfless, sees the best in people, and has high aspirations for them, even before they believe in themselves!

Snow White took the time to get to know each one of them and developed a special relationship with each of them. They each learned that they could trust Snow White, and count on her to be there for them. They grew into a successful band of men who functioned as a TEAM and could thus help others attain their goals and dreams. Their devotion to Snow White was unswirving and focused because she gave each of them a feeling of self worth and accomplishment. This unlikely team of seven KNEW that they could accomplish anything they wanted, if they worked together. Snow White taught them the effectiveness of teamwork!

~~~~What are you doing for your organization?

~~~~What expectations and tools are you delivering to your team to guide them and encourage them?

~~~~What are you doing to instill a sense of self worth and accomplishment for your team mates?

The month of August draws to a close and we are all looking forward to the rebirth of another month!

Take time to review your past activities and see what you need to do to insure a prosperous new month.

Is your business growing and fulfilling your goals?

Do you have your goals for the new month written down?

How will you reach out and encourage your organization in September to let them know that you are there for them ? Is your team reading? If you would like a complimentary Ebook to share with your team this month, please send an email to
I wish you a Prosperous and Joyful September!

Practicing Abundance, Prosperity & Kindness, EVERY DAY,

RS Mallory
Compassionate Marketing
512.472.2604 Country Code 001
Twitter: RandiSusan

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