Sunday, August 19, 2007

Why Multi tasking & Multi streaming don't Work

Why Multi tasking & Multi streaming don't Work

I recently enrolled a new Affiliate from the UK & for mis-spelled her name in my Compassionate Marketing NEWSLETTER. This gal is an amazing; an accomplished business woman who is create and eager to build her business recurring income through the company that Compassionate Marketing is associated with. She is a webmaster and has her own thriving business in The UK AND she is fast tracked to be Compassionate Marketing's next UK Leader.

My error was due to that nasty "multi-tasking bug" that sometimes hits us all, and decidedly I have realized that this "incident would be a valuable lesson for us all :-)

I recently watched a documentary about multi-tasking, which of course is akin to multi-streaming in our beloved industry. Many aspiring Network Marketers think that MORE is better. We even see people who join legions of companies at the same time, never accomplishing anything but perhaps maxing out several credit cards with a constant stream of outgo.

The documentary revealed, under an MRI on the brain, that

1- people who multi tasked were LESS apt to absorb, assimilate or achieve excellence in EITHER of their tasks.

2- Our brain can certainly HANDLE multi tasking, however optimum performance and success requires our FULL attention.

3- Today's "techno society" encourages multi tasking/streaming, however the end results are sub par.

Think about driving your car and talking on your cell phone. How much do you miss around you and how are you impeding your reactive skills should they be required?

Think about talking with a new prospect whilst checking your email or typing up a proposal. Hmmmm, how much detail is missing from the document, how many times must you go back and RE read the email and

more importantly, how does your prospect FEEL on the other end of the phone?

We encourage people to always SMILE when they are on the phone because it will be FELT on the other end of the phone.

In the same manner, each and every one of our Prospects AND Affiliates deserves our FULL ATTENTION when we are speaking/training/visiting with them.

Compassionate Marketers know that the secret to Success and creating Long Term Recurring income is by caring about others. That means LISTENING and taking the time to get to know them, their goals and their dreams.

I could write a book about each of my personally sponsored affiliates, and particularly this new lovely gal who is a charming and smart young Entrepreneur who IS a Compassionate Marketer at heart!

Perhaps our new tag line should read:

Compassionate Marketing,
NO multi tasking allowed because you deserve our FULL attention :-)

Have an awesome week my friends. Please feel free to contact me for any assistance you may require. I promise to give you my FULL attention!

Practicing Abundance, Prosperity & Kindness EVERY DAY,

RandiSusan Mallory
Compassionate Marketing
512.472.2604 Country Code 001
SKYPE: rsmallory

BE a Mentor with A Servant's Heart

Copyright © 2007 RS Mallory/Compassionate Marketing , All Rights Reserved.May be used with Proper Attribution

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Secret to Believing in Yourself

At a recent Atlanta Leadership Summit I spoke about belief. You know, it's really simple!

"Whatever you want to be you ALREADY ARE."

It's already there, right inside of you. Sometimes we get in our own way and inhibit that which we want the most :-)

There is no magic recipe, what is needed most is that you have faith in yourself and Take Action. That's the secret. Taking Action is the catalyst for "what you already are" to grow and bloom.

Get out of your own way! Give up the ghosties. Stop letting other people rent space in your brain telling you what you can and cannot do, what you an and cannot be. You already ARE---- and as my friend Yoda said, There is no try, there is DO or NO do."

THAT is the secret---- Take Action and BE what you arleady are!

Here is another way to describe your belief in yourself. It comes from a newsletter on Kabbalah.

"Anxiety is internal. It feels real but it's not. Many of us are our own worst enemy because of our unkind belief systems about who we think we are - and are not.

We don't accept ourselves, both the Light and the dark. Somehow we should be better, should be more like someone else, should be further ahead.

To quote The Deer Hunter: "This is this, this ain't something else, THIS IS THIS!'

You have a deep, spiritual soul that has the capacity for unconditional love. The first and most important love is self love, everything flows downstream from there.Today, give yourself the gift of unconditional love."

Remember, "Whatever you want to be you ALREADY ARE."

Let me know how I might help you build your business today by
Contacting me for a one on one coaching session.

Practicing Abundance, Prosperity & Kindness EVERY DAY,

RandiSusan Mallory
Compassionate Marketing
512.472.2604 Country Code 001
SKYPE: rsmallory
BE a Mentor with A Servant's Heart

Thursday, August 2, 2007

How to Turn your (Success) Dreams in to Reality

"Success comes to those who BELIEVE in the beauty of their dreams."
(Eleanor Roosevelt)

Network Marketing is a profession (un) like any other.
It requires a specific set of skills, determination, perseverance
and the ability to dream. More importantly it requires you to
BELIEVE in the beauty of your dreams. Doing so turns your
dreams in to REALITY, one step at a time.

Network Marketing is a journey, NOT unlike the journey of your life. We have a choice to live EACH DAY as if there is no other (there isn't).

Allow your yesterdays to die and keep the truth of your dreams (vision) in front of you. TODAY is the only day that you should celebrate and LIVE to it's fullest extent :-)

BELIEVE in the beauty of your dreams. Doing so turns your dreams in to REALITY, one step at a time.

Network Marketing is Self Development, not unlike the journey of your life. Celebrate YOU each day by reading a good self development book 30 minutes a day. You deserve it.

Gone with the Wind is NOT a good self development book (unless you are Scarlett O'Hara and finally, at the END of your life, lament all the days past that you could have been growing)

Danielle Steele and Joan Collins' books are NOT self development books.They are reverie that KEEP YOU in a place out of time, LOSING TODAY and your opportunity to GROW.

Allow your yesterdays to die and keep the truth of your dreams (vision)in front of you. TODAY is the only day that you should celebrate and LIVE to it's fullest extent :-)

What to read?

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Acres of Diamonds by Dr. Russell Conwell

As a Man Thinketh by James Allen

TNT the Power Withing You by Claude Bristol

Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D Wattles

Big Al Tells All by Tom "Big Al" Schreiter

These Classics will help you build a strong foundation for your
daily growth as you keep the truth of your dreams (vision) in front of you.

BE a Compassionate Marketer:

Watch your thoughts; they become words.

Watch your words; They become actions.

Watch your actions; they become habits.

Watch your habits; they become character.

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

Remember, "Success comes to those who BELIEVE in the beauty
of their dreams."

BE a Compassionate Marketer



Do me a favor and let me know if this article impacts your life :-)
I will send you one of the books (above) as a "Gratitude Gift" for your comment.
Send your contact information to along with the Title of the ebook you prefer and I will send it to you right away :-)

Practicing Abundance, Prosperity & Kindness EVERY DAY,

RandiSusan Mallory
Compassionate Marketing
512.472.2604 Country Code 001
SKYPE: rsmallory
BE a Mentor with A Servant's Heart