Monday, September 17, 2007

When does the Relationship Begin?

Are you a Professional Network Marketer?

Are you in a Service Industry?

Are you a Waitress?

Are you a Physician?

Are you a Milkman? (oops, I’m showing my age)

Are you a Plumber or Electrician?

Are you a Stockbroker?

Are you a Teacher?

It really does not matter WHAT profession or vocation you area in, what matters is how Successful you are. These days Success is usually defined as “having allot of money” however the REAL definition should be how many people you help to better their own lives. This can only happen when you are a Compassionate Marketer and know that the REAL secret to your personal success is in “Helping people Live their Dreams”, giving them a solution to a challenge, taking a genuine interest in them and helping to make their lives better J

Hmmmm, how does one DO that? By consciously having the DESIRE to take an interest in the person and then take ACTION to build a relationship with them. Building a relationship gives you insight into the persons’ needs, requirements, desires, dreams and goals. Once you can define THEIR needs you can better serve them.

The underlying question is then “When does the Relationship Begin?”

If you are a Waitress the relationship building begins with the first, “Hello may I help you?” Ask any Waitress who has a following; customers who will only sit at HER tables when they come to that particular restaurant. WHY? Because she has taken an interest in them, knows their favorite foods, is courteous, warm and INTERESTED in them J She always wears a smile and carries a big heart.

If you are a Physician the relationship building begins with the first, “Hello, what is bothering you today and how may I help you?” Ask any Physician who has built a huge practice with many generations of families coming to him. This Physician has taken the time to get to know each and every patient, their family members and takes an ACTIVE interest in their well-being. He/she is courteous, warm and INTERESTED in them. He wears a big smile and is never rushed.

If you are a Teacher the relationship building begins with the first “Hello, my name is Miss Smith, what’s your name?” Ask any teacher and she will tell you that taking an interest in each child, getting to KNOW them, their family histories, their talents, likes and dislikes is the essential factor that helps in establishing and building relationship with each child. This person always wears a big smile and is eager to sovle any challenge or problem that a child may have.

If you are a Professional Network Marketer the relationship building begins with the first “Hello, my name is Miss Smith” (on the phone or in person) a huge smile, the firm shake of a hand and showing a genuine interest in the prospect rather than “getting them in the deal. “ Taking the time to get to know a persons’ needs, their family’s dreams and goals and their circumstance sends a signal that you VALUE the person you are speaking with rather than looking at them like they are a tasty $$ Dollar sign to be added to your bank account.

Each of these professions has an opportunity to establish RELATIONSHIP at the very first encounter. What happens next is up to YOU.

1- Take an interest in the person (prospect/customer/client/distributor)

2- Put them FIRST and take your time getting to know them

3- Never rush through an encounter or meeting and allow proper time

4- Establish (in your own mind) if your “opportunity” is a good match with your prospect

5- If not, then network with someone else and REFER your prospect to another person. Life has a funny way of coming full circle and you never know what may happen as a result of a sincere referral.

6- Remember your prospect/customer/client/distributors and send Life Cycle greeting cards or a short note to let them know that they MATTER to you.

7- Smile, be sincere and express gratitude for all that you attract in to YOUR life and others will FEEL the gratitude and want to be part of your life :-)

The Secret to Success is not amassing large amounts of money, rather, it is being able to look back and be grateful for myriad opportunities to Help people Live their Dreams, help them solve their problems and share their journey and teach them along the way so that they may teach others.

Practicing Abundance, Prosperity & Kindness EVERY DAY,


RandiSusan Mallory

Compassionate Marketing
512.472.2604 Country Code 001
SKYPE: rsmallory

BE a Mentor with A Servant's Heart

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